I posted my Animoto video to YouTube as a private video. It was easier than I thought. I haven't really been much of a fan of YouTube, until I found out you can listen to music tracks and sometimes watch music videos on there. Other than than, occasionally a friend would email me about something funny to watch on there.
Honestly, I never thought of it as a learning tool. Then it hit me...student post things all the time on YouTube. They are constantly searching for things there. Why not have them watch the teacher teaching an assignment and getting extra help for homework! Teachers could use webcams to record them teaching the lesson for the day and students could go to YouTube or TeacherTube and watch the lessons. This could also be an advantage to students who were absent for the day. Also new teachers, or even seasoned teachers looking for a new approach to their subject, could visit lessons taught on particular subjects or even get ideas for projects for their subject area. TeacherTube and/or YouTube could be a learning tool for teachers as well as students.posting things would be a positive, fun way to promote education. Students viewing other students approach on different subjects may be a benefit to another student.
This lesson was an eye-opening one for me. I see YouTube in a new light now!
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