Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thing #11 - The BIG 6

Wordle: Big 6

It fascinates me how our technology world works. The roles and information about technology changes between student and teacher. Students have their own purpose and intent for the Internet and technology. Mostly it's for personal networking and entertainment. Many times students and/or our own children teach us about new things coming on the Internet and about technology, yet we are the teachers. At the same time, we as teachers know the boundaries, the does and don'ts that the students and/or children either choose to ignore or just don't do.

It is ALL teacher's responsibility to teacher digital literacy as it's called. I like the diagram of the student in the middle with safety, etiquette, learning strategies and literacy. I believe all these skills should and can be taught at each grade level and each subject.

To teach Digital Citizenship I would give the students different scenarios and and have them work through the Big 6 steps on how to solve the problem and what is correct or incorrect when it comes to Digital Citizenship. This lesson needs to be taught at each grade level because as times change, so do the rules.

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